Find light in the beautiful sea

Find light in the beautiful sea

I wanted to have this post done yesterday, but wordpress has been a real jerk. Its stubborn refusal to let me upload images and insistence that I did not remember my password have been very irritating. But it appears to be working now, and I have pretties to show you, so let’s get on with it before it breaks again.

So the pretty things. Mudhoney did this set for Fameshed and there are so many color and texture options, it blew my mind. The chairs, bench, and pillows are all hers. My love for that feather printed pillow is a little excessive, maybe, but do you see it? The plant is part of the gacha offerings from ChiMia for Dreams. I’ll have more of that for you later but I really needed this plant here. The leaf detail is so so good, I can’t even tell you. And this rug safe! I didn’t need hidden safes, but I didn’t let that trivial detail keep me from bringing them home. These Lost Junction safes for We <3 Roleplay are easily my favorite purchase from the current round. They’re sort of ridiculous and I adore them. My poor wife is going to be finding them everywhere.

Ehh, she’ll get used to it!


Hide and seek

Hide and Seek

Obviously, I’m “it.” This is what happens when you play hide and seek with sneaky people! I guess that’s kind of the point, though. It’s a sneaky game! We didn’t really want to have dance lessons anyway, we just wanted to dress up and play with the props. Well, mission accomplished.

Happy new year to you! And if you happen to see a child around here with a sweet little freckled face? The sweetness is a lie, don’t give her candy!



Another day, another frustration

Another day, another frustration

You know those days where you feel like you just can’t do anything? That’s today. I’ve got my hands full, between an event opening tonight, an upcoming holiday, a bored roommate home on vacation, and my usual responsibilities. I honestly have no idea how people who work outside the house and have kids do it. I bow to you. Seriously.

I had such a hard time finding inspiration with my head going in so many directions, but I finally managed it! We won’t talk about how many times I considered banging my head on the desk. It’s not healthy for either of us. Trust me. I have experience with this.



The Decisive Moment

It is no secret that I struggle with depression, some days more than others. Recently, it’s been harder, but for me, sometimes feeling better is as simple as deciding that I will not give in to the illness today. Being able to say, “I can be okay, and dammit, I will be,” gives me the little boost I need to get up and do something about it. My friends are a tremendous help, but ultimately, I have to make the decision to be better for myself.

I have always found music and movement to be healing. I have a bad knee these days (maybe two, but who’s counting?) so ballet is out of the question irl, but  Jacq is not hampered by the limitations of my physical body. SL has always been a bit like therapy for me. Retail therapy, generally, but it’s useful in other ways, too! It’s made me really look at myself, and (I hope) it’s helped me to be more who I want to be. With a beautiful pixel wardrobe.




Settling In


This is my wife’s favorite chair. So if you hear soon that I was murdered…. nah, she’s actually too sweet to do that, even if I did put my boots on her chair! It’s been kind of an adjustment, living with someone who actually cares about our living space. In the past, both RL and SL, I’ve done nearly all of the decorating, so meshing styles has been new and interesting. It’s gone well so far, though!

tbh, I wasn’t sold on the chair at first. It’s beautifully made, I just didn’t think it would go with anything. I’m not wrong often, but I definitely underestimated our decorating abilities. The house is still only half done, unless you count the label boxes Kota stuck in the empty rooms, but we’re getting there. One day, it’ll look like we really live there!

Just probably not today.