If only in my dreams

If only in my dreams

I might not normally pair a tiara with this outfit, but I received this Cae one (with matching jewelry) yesterday from my Secret SLanta, and it makes me smile. So I’m wearing it, probably for the next few days. Thanks, Veenya!

And yes, I know my socks don’t match. My RL socks don’t match, either. I love mismatched socks! Feel free to judge, I’m okay with it. These are some of the socks available from ChiMia for Tres Chic. They were a last minute addition to the event, so if you went super early, you might have missed them!

I doubt I’ll have time to post again before the holiday (I didn’t actually have time today, if we’re being honest), so please have a lovely holiday and be as good to each other as you can. I know it’s hard, people are often so annoying. Just try, okay?



  • Token&Tribe- Chopped Firewood | kattington
  • Blueberry – Holidays Gift – Stand Alone Cabin | Blueberryxx | in-store gift
  • Trompe Loeil – Fireplace Logs and Fire | Cory Edo | part of Attic Skybox
  • LISP – Mesh – Persian Rug Red | Pandora Popstar

Hello from the outside

I love myself as a redhead, but I could not resist this brown. Elikatira’s sable tone is so soft and rich, I had to wear it. I have a serious love affair with hair color irl, why should I deny myself here, where it is so much easier? No more! I will wear whatever color I want, when I want to wear it. This is my new personal rule. And it extends to all things, not just hair.

I mean, look at these beautiful shoes. Shooooooooes! Okay, so I love shoes more than a sane person should. I am not ashamed! These are out at Ama for 2oTwenty. They come in several colors for a variety of feet and genders, including this gorgeous red I’m sneaking out of the house with, so as to avoid irritating the wife with my clacking up and down the stairs. They’re 20% off until the 9th, so definitely hop over and snag them while the event is running.

My outfit is from a new to me store called Vertice. The skirt and sweater are one adorable piece that I had to have right now. So I did! I didn’t see it in their store location, but you can pick it up on the marketplace. It doesn’t come with body specific sizes, but I had no problem making it work with my Maitreya Lara. I find that I can wear a lot of standard size mediums or smalls with little trouble and no real editing, but that’s me. Your mileage may vary. Try things and see, though, you may be pleasantly surprised!